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Steam ID

Hide inactive | Total Bans: 2765
MOD/Country Date Player Admin Length
MOD TR 12-15-24 15:36
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr
Ban Details
Player Cyberr
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:615610379
Steam Community 76561199191486486
IP address TR
Invoked on 12-15-24 15:36
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr
Expires on 01-15-25 01:36
Reason SMAC AutoTrigger Detection: BunnyHop
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (2) Cyberr, Cyberr
MOD TR 12-11-24 21:56
vallhalla40 1 wk (Expired)
Ban Details
Player bebekamca123
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:916641984
Steam Community 76561199793549697
IP address TR
Invoked on 12-11-24 21:56
Banlength 1 wk (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 12-18-24 21:56
Reason Anti Recoil
Banned by Admin vallhalla40
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD BG 12-11-24 10:47
zick1313 1 wk (Expired)
Ban Details
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:632378778
Steam Community 76561199225023284
IP address BG
Invoked on 12-11-24 10:47
Banlength 1 wk (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 12-18-24 10:47
Reason Inappropriate Language
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Web Ban
Total Bans 7 (search)
MOD CZ 12-09-24 20:01
CONSOLE 2 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player ZzZ_Ninja_ZzZ
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:2046904936
Steam Community 76561202054075600
IP address CZ
Invoked on 12-09-24 20:01
Banlength 2 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 12-09-24 22:01
Reason SMAC ConVar sv_cheats violation
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 2 (search)
Blocked (0) never
MOD TR 12-06-24 23:06
PUPA 1 d (Expired)
Ban Details
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:110098573
Steam Community 76561198180462875
IP address TR
Invoked on 12-06-24 23:06
Banlength 1 d (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 12-07-24 23:06
Reason но рецоил
Banned by Admin PUPA
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD MD 12-03-24 16:20
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr
Ban Details
Player Maggot
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:130581062
Steam Community 76561198221427852
IP address MD
Invoked on 12-03-24 16:20
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr
Expires on 01-03-25 02:20
Reason SMAC AutoTrigger Detection: BunnyHop
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (3) eyeless, krutoipedik, krutoipedik
MOD MD 12-01-24 19:45
vallhalla40 5 min (Expired)
Ban Details
Player tehnoromantik
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:455830625
Steam Community 76561198871926978
IP address MD
Invoked on 12-01-24 19:45
Banlength 5 min (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 12-01-24 19:50
Reason Inappropriate Language
Banned by Admin vallhalla40
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD TR 11-20-24 21:28
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player tosyalıefe37
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:584061810
Steam Community 76561199128389349
IP address TR
Invoked on 11-20-24 21:28
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 12-21-24 07:28
Reason SMAC Aimbot Detected
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (4) tosyalıefe37, tosyalıefe37, tosyalıefe37, tosyalıefe37
MOD BG 11-10-24 18:48
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player ValioAilqka
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:596558677
Steam Community 76561199153383082
IP address BG
Invoked on 11-10-24 18:48
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 12-11-24 04:48
Reason SMAC ConVar sv_cheats violation
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD BG 11-10-24 09:54
zick1313 1 wk (Expired)
Ban Details
Player POPA_70
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:918735850
Steam Community 76561199797737428
IP address BG
Invoked on 11-10-24 09:54
Banlength 1 wk (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 11-17-24 09:54
Reason Inappropriate Language
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Web Ban
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (7) POPA_70, POPA_70, POPA_70, POPA_70, POPA_70, POPA_70, POPA_70
MOD BG 11-10-24 09:53
mitio kurtacha
zick1313 1 wk (Expired)
Ban Details
Player mitio kurtacha
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:160830285
Steam Community 76561198281926298
IP address BG
Invoked on 11-10-24 09:53
Banlength 1 wk (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 11-17-24 09:53
Reason Inappropriate Language
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Web Ban
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (6) mitio kurtacha, mitio kurtacha, mitio kurtacha, mitio kurtacha, mitio kurtacha, mitio kurtacha
MOD BG 11-03-24 23:31
CONSOLE Permanent
Ban Details
Player Kategawa
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:192872530
Steam Community 76561198346010788
IP address BG
Invoked on 11-03-24 23:31
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable.
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 3 (search)
Blocked (6) Kategawa, Kategawa, Kategawa, Kategawa, Kategawa, Kategawa
MOD BG 11-02-24 23:09
Joseph Stalin
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Joseph Stalin
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:611755016
Steam Community 76561199183775761
IP address BG
Invoked on 11-02-24 23:09
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 12-03-24 09:09
Reason SMAC Eye Test Violation
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (1) Joseph Stalin
MOD UA 10-30-24 17:47
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Dzusick
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:639745709
Steam Community 76561199239757146
IP address UA
Invoked on 10-30-24 17:47
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 11-30-24 03:47
Reason SMAC AutoTrigger Detection: BunnyHop
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD zz 10-23-24 18:40
vallhalla40 Permanent
Ban Details
Player Za3ka
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:80723788
Steam Community 76561198121713305
IP address zz
Invoked on 10-23-24 18:40
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable.
Reason Inappropriate Language
Banned by Admin vallhalla40
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD BG 10-23-24 18:39
vallhalla40 6 mo
Ban Details
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:464062301
Steam Community 76561198888390330
IP address BG
Invoked on 10-23-24 18:39
Banlength 6 mo
Expires on 04-21-25 18:39
Reason Inappropriate Language
Banned by Admin vallhalla40
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD TR 10-17-24 22:45
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player quantlio
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:93628805
Steam Community 76561198147523339
IP address TR
Invoked on 10-17-24 22:45
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 11-17-24 07:45
Reason SMAC AutoTrigger Detection: BunnyHop
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 2 (search)
Blocked (0) never
MOD CZ 10-06-24 19:11
CONSOLE 2 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player [Uzbek_tm]^Uzbek:D
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:2046904936
Steam Community 76561202054075600
IP address CZ
Invoked on 10-06-24 19:11
Banlength 2 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 10-06-24 21:11
Reason SMAC Eye Test Violation
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 2 (search)
Blocked (0) never
MOD CY 09-15-24 17:12
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player boofz
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:219531258
Steam Community 76561198399328245
IP address CY
Invoked on 09-15-24 17:12
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 10-16-24 03:12
Reason SMAC AutoTrigger Detection: BunnyHop
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (1) boofz
MOD BG 09-13-24 20:18
Sl@v40 3 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player XD
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:21314160
Steam Community 76561198002894048
IP address BG
Invoked on 09-13-24 20:18
Banlength 3 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 12-12-24 19:18
Reason Inappropriate Language Decimal:3583346700 Hostname: ASN:39184 ISP:UltraNET Ltd Services:None detected Country:Bulgaria State/Region:Blagoevgrad City:Gotse Delchev Latitude:41.5667 (41° 34′ 0.01″ N) Longitude:23.7333 (23° 43′ 59.99″ E) Мислиш само ти ги знаеш
Banned by Admin Sl@v40
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (3) XD, XD, XD
MOD AZ 08-31-24 21:32
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Комару
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:788779858
Steam Community 76561199537825444
IP address AZ
Invoked on 08-31-24 21:32
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 10-01-24 07:32
Reason SMAC AutoTrigger Detection: BunnyHop
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD TR 08-18-24 21:18
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:554349263
Steam Community 76561199068964255
IP address TR
Invoked on 08-18-24 21:18
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 09-18-24 07:18
Reason SMAC AutoTrigger Detection: BunnyHop
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD Unknown Country 08-02-24 19:37
zick1313 3 d (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Madness
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:65089587
Steam Community 76561198090444903
IP address no IP address present
Invoked on 08-02-24 19:37
Banlength 3 d (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 08-05-24 19:37
Reason Inappropriate Language
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Web Ban
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD IL 07-10-24 23:08
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player подпиваеик
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:2072625426
Steam Community 76561202105516580
IP address IL
Invoked on 07-10-24 23:08
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 08-10-24 09:08
Reason SMAC AutoTrigger Detection: BunnyHop
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (1) gabi
MOD Unknown Country 07-09-24 13:09
zick1313 1 wk (Expired)
Ban Details
Player miami
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:458259459
Steam Community 76561198876784646
IP address no IP address present
Invoked on 07-09-24 13:09
Banlength 1 wk (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 07-16-24 13:09
Reason bhop time
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Web Ban
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD BG 07-01-24 22:11
pazi glavata
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player pazi glavata
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:1612473480
Steam Community 76561201185212688
IP address BG
Invoked on 07-01-24 22:11
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 08-01-24 08:11
Reason SMAC Eye Test Violation
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD BG 06-22-24 00:25
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player 20:31
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:774343043
Steam Community 76561199508951814
IP address BG
Invoked on 06-22-24 00:25
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 07-22-24 10:25
Reason SMAC AutoTrigger Detection: BunnyHop
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD RO 06-18-24 12:47
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player fghsuidfhguyhgjdhf
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:38040701
Steam Community 76561198036347130
IP address RO
Invoked on 06-18-24 12:47
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 07-18-24 22:47
Reason SMAC AutoTrigger Detection: BunnyHop
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (2) fghsuidfhguyhgjdhf, fghsuidfhguyhgjdhf
MOD TR 06-18-24 01:58
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Zenci
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:638283864
Steam Community 76561199236833457
IP address TR
Invoked on 06-18-24 01:58
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 07-18-24 11:58
Reason SMAC AutoTrigger Detection: BunnyHop
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD BG 06-15-24 18:47
zick1313 Permanent
Ban Details
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:14858544
Steam Community 76561197989982817
IP address BG
Invoked on 06-15-24 18:47
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable.
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Web Ban
Total Bans 3 (search)
Blocked (1) ROSHKO BG
MOD BG 06-15-24 09:11
zick1313 1 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player bocko
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:755110485
Steam Community 76561199470486698
IP address BG
Invoked on 06-15-24 09:11
Banlength 1 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 07-15-24 09:11
Reason Inappropriate Language
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Web Ban
Total Bans 2 (search)
Blocked (18) Bocko21, Bocko21, Bocko21, Bocko21, Bocko21, Bocko21, Bocko21, Bocko21, Bocko21, Bocko21, Bocko21, Bocko21, Bocko21, Bocko21, Bocko21, Bocko21, Bocko21, Bocko21
MOD UA 06-09-24 13:08
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player диминитрий
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:527940879
Steam Community 76561199016147487
IP address UA
Invoked on 06-09-24 13:08
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 07-09-24 23:08
Reason SMAC AutoTrigger Detection: BunnyHop
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD IL 06-02-24 22:48
The Founder [O5-1]
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player The Founder [O5-1]
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:797697823
Steam Community 76561199555661374
IP address IL
Invoked on 06-02-24 22:48
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 07-03-24 08:48
Reason SMAC AutoTrigger Detection: BunnyHop
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD SK 05-30-24 20:54
Audi RS7
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Audi RS7
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:779983328
Steam Community 76561199520232384
IP address SK
Invoked on 05-30-24 20:54
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 06-30-24 06:54
Reason SMAC AutoTrigger Detection: BunnyHop
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 2 (search)
Blocked (0) never
MOD TR 05-25-24 00:45
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player lifi
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:760649015
Steam Community 76561199481563758
IP address TR
Invoked on 05-25-24 00:45
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 06-24-24 10:45
Reason SMAC AutoTrigger Detection: BunnyHop
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (1) lifi
MOD TR 05-24-24 21:49
True Believer
zick1313 1 wk (Expired)
Ban Details
Player True Believer
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:574192805
Steam Community 76561199108651338
IP address TR
Invoked on 05-24-24 21:49
Banlength 1 wk (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 05-31-24 21:49
Reason General Exploit of Game/Map/Server
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD TR 05-24-24 21:49
zick1313 1 wk (Expired)
Ban Details
Player inskla
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:623997961
Steam Community 76561199208261651
IP address TR
Invoked on 05-24-24 21:49
Banlength 1 wk (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 05-31-24 21:49
Reason General Exploit of Game/Map/Server
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD DE 05-24-24 19:05
zick1313 1 wk (Expired)
Ban Details
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:150308375
Steam Community 76561198260882478
IP address DE
Invoked on 05-24-24 19:05
Banlength 1 wk (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 05-31-24 19:05
Reason Inappropriate Language
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
MOD GR 05-23-24 16:39
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Ritzy
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:683788958
Steam Community 76561199327843645
IP address GR
Invoked on 05-23-24 16:39
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 06-23-24 02:39
Reason SMAC AutoTrigger Detection: BunnyHop
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 2 (search)
Blocked (1) Ritzy
MOD FR 05-21-24 19:25
vallhalla40 1 wk (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Chloe
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:758925223
Steam Community 76561199478116174
IP address FR
Invoked on 05-21-24 19:25
Banlength 1 wk (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 05-28-24 19:25
Reason Inappropriate Language
Banned by Admin vallhalla40
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 2 (search)
Blocked (1) Chloe
MOD BG 05-16-24 18:25
Sl@v40 30 min (Expired)
Ban Details
Player batencet090
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:1584463788
Steam Community 76561201129193304
IP address BG
Invoked on 05-16-24 18:25
Banlength 30 min (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 05-16-24 18:55
Reason Inappropriate Language
Banned by Admin Sl@v40
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD EG 05-13-24 21:05
Вован Калыван
vallhalla40 1 wk (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Вован Калыван
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:625923982
Steam Community 76561199212113692
IP address EG
Invoked on 05-13-24 21:05
Banlength 1 wk (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 05-20-24 21:05
Reason Ignoring Admins
Banned by Admin vallhalla40
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD BG 05-13-24 12:06
zick1313 Permanent
Ban Details
Player dan4o
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:623787066
Steam Community 76561199207839861
IP address BG
Invoked on 05-13-24 12:06
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable.
Reason Anti Recoil
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (3) dan4o, dan4o, dan4o
MOD BG 05-12-24 20:55
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:14858544
Steam Community 76561197989982817
IP address BG
Invoked on 05-12-24 20:55
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 06-12-24 06:55
Reason SMAC Aimbot Detected
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 3 (search)
MOD zz 05-12-24 15:00
zick1313 1 wk (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Happy
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:44672771
Steam Community 76561198049611271
IP address zz
Invoked on 05-12-24 15:00
Banlength 1 wk (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 05-19-24 15:00
Reason General Exploit of Game/Map/Server
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD TR 05-08-24 13:28
zick1313 Permanent
Ban Details
Player -JQKER
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:576943153
Steam Community 76561199114152034
IP address TR
Invoked on 05-08-24 13:28
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable.
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD IR 05-06-24 17:17
abo zahraa
zick1313 1 d (Expired)
Ban Details
Player abo zahraa
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:391702339
Steam Community 76561198743670406
IP address IR
Invoked on 05-06-24 17:17
Banlength 1 d (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 05-07-24 17:17
Reason General Exploit of Game/Map/Server
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (1) abo zahraa
MOD TR 05-06-24 09:49
zick1313 1 wk (Expired)
Ban Details
Player kldr
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:536677408
Steam Community 76561199033620544
IP address TR
Invoked on 05-06-24 09:49
Banlength 1 wk (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 05-13-24 09:49
Reason Ignoring Admins
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD AL 05-05-24 20:14
Sl@v40 1 wk (Expired)
Ban Details
Player nidiiii
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:800650539
Steam Community 76561199561566806
IP address AL
Invoked on 05-05-24 20:14
Banlength 1 wk (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 05-12-24 20:14
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin Sl@v40
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (1) nidiiii
MOD ME 05-04-24 13:01
zick1313 Permanent
Ban Details
Player smmaxy.
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:630077869
Steam Community 76561199220421467
IP address ME
Invoked on 05-04-24 13:01
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable.
Reason Multi-Hack
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (1) smmaxy.
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