
Advanced Search
Steam ID

Hide inactive | Total Bans: 501
MOD/Country Date Player Admin Length
MOD BG 10-23-20 07:14
zick1313 Permanent
Ban Details
Player cloudy
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:1429360368
Steam Community 76561200818986464
IP address BG
Invoked on 10-23-20 07:14
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable.
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Web Ban
Total Bans 2 (search)
Blocked (0) never
MOD BG 10-22-20 22:30
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr (Unbanned)
Ban Details
Player cloudy
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:1429360368
Steam Community 76561200818986464
IP address BG
Invoked on 10-22-20 22:30
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr (Unbanned)
Unban reason v
Unbanned by Admin zick1313
Expires on 11-22-20 07:30
Reason SMAC Aimbot Detected
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 2 (search)
Blocked (1) cloudy
MOD BG 10-12-20 14:56
zick1313 4 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player aimbot
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:1726906452
Steam Community 76561201414078632
IP address BG
Invoked on 10-12-20 14:56
Banlength 4 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 10-12-20 18:56
Reason General Exploit of Game/Map/Server
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 15 (search)
Blocked (0) never
MOD DZ 10-08-20 11:00
Your name
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Your name
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:1543747497
Steam Community 76561201047760722
IP address DZ
Invoked on 10-08-20 11:00
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 11-07-20 20:00
Reason SMAC Aimbot Detected
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (22) Your name, Your name, Your name, (1)Your name, Your name, Your name, Your name, (1)Your name, (2)Your name, Your name, Your name, (1)Your name, Your name, Your name, (1)Your name, Your name, (1)Your name, Your name, Your name, Your name, Your name, Your name
MOD BG 10-06-20 18:01
maximus 4 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player aimbot
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:1726906452
Steam Community 76561201414078632
IP address BG
Invoked on 10-06-20 18:01
Banlength 4 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 10-06-20 22:01
Reason беше предупреден 100 пъти
Banned by Admin maximus
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 15 (search)
Blocked (1) aimbot
MOD Unknown Country 10-05-20 10:59
BMW Extreem
zick1313 3 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player BMW Extreem
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:308607537
Steam Community 76561198577480802
IP address no IP address present
Invoked on 10-05-20 10:59
Banlength 3 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 01-03-21 09:59
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Web Ban
Total Bans 3 (search)
Blocked (0) never
MOD BG 10-05-20 10:20
CONSOLE 4 wk (Unbanned)
Ban Details
Player botar
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:518409419
Steam Community 76561198997084567
IP address BG
Invoked on 10-05-20 10:20
Banlength 4 wk (Unbanned)
Unban reason дс
Unbanned by Admin zick1313
Expires on 11-02-20 09:20
Reason [SourceSleuth] Duplicate account
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 31 (search)
Blocked (1) aimbot
MOD ZZ 09-30-20 10:22
Admin deleted 1 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Finn
Steam ID BOT
Steam Community 76561197960265728
IP address ZZ
Invoked on 09-30-20 10:22
Banlength 1 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 09-30-20 11:22
Reason Team Killing
Banned by Admin Admin deleted.
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 10 (search)
Blocked (0) never
MOD BG 09-29-20 19:31
(1)Your name
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr (Unbanned)
Ban Details
Player (1)Your name
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:308607537
Steam Community 76561198577480802
IP address BG
Invoked on 09-29-20 19:31
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr (Unbanned)
Unban reason ..
Unbanned by Admin zick1313
Expires on 10-30-20 04:31
Reason SMAC Aimbot Detected
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 3 (search)
Blocked (4) BMW Extreme, BMW Extreme, BMW Extreme, BMW Extreme
MOD BG 07-30-20 21:18
Revo 1 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:457285849
Steam Community 76561198874837426
IP address BG
Invoked on 07-30-20 21:18
Banlength 1 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 08-29-20 21:18
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin Revo
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
MOD PL 07-27-20 18:47
Gabe Newell
zick1313 Permanent
Ban Details
Player Gabe Newell
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:2101133479
Steam Community 76561202162532686
IP address PL
Invoked on 07-27-20 18:47
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable.
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (3) Gabe Newell, Gabe Newell, MasloZiom
MOD BG 07-27-20 14:23
zick1313 5 d (Expired)
Ban Details
Player aimbot
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:1726906452
Steam Community 76561201414078632
IP address BG
Invoked on 07-27-20 14:23
Banlength 5 d (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 08-01-20 14:23
Reason Team Stacking
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 15 (search)
Blocked (3) aimbot, aimbot, aimbot
MOD DZ 07-18-20 18:00
zick1313 Permanent
Ban Details
Player ●ДɓɗǾʋ*_ДxoɳeҡǮ♪ʥ
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:46348609
Steam Community 76561198052962946
IP address DZ
Invoked on 07-18-20 18:00
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable.
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (26) ●ДɓɗǾʋ*_ДxoɳeҡǮ♪ʥ, ●ДɓɗǾʋ*_ДxoɳeҡǮ♪ʥ, ●ДɓɗǾʋ*_ДxoɳeҡǮ♪ʥ, ●ДɓɗǾʋ*_ДxoɳeҡǮ♪ʥ, ●ДɓɗǾʋ*_ДxoɳeҡǮ♪ʥ, ●ДɓɗǾʋ*_ДxoɳeҡǮ♪ʥ, ●ДɓɗǾʋ*_ДxoɳeҡǮ♪ʥ, ●ДɓɗǾʋ*_ДxoɳeҡǮ♪ʥ, ●ДɓɗǾʋ*_ДxoɳeҡǮ♪ʥ, ●ДɓɗǾʋ*_ДxoɳeҡǮ♪ʥ, ●ДɓɗǾʋ*_ДxoɳeҡǮ♪ʥ, ●ДɓɗǾʋ*_ДxoɳeҡǮ♪ʥ, ●ДɓɗǾʋ*_ДxoɳeҡǮ♪ʥ, ✸ДɓɗǾʋ♫Дxoɳeҡ.Ȝ✸, ✸ДɓɗǾʋ♫Дxoɳeҡ.Ȝ✸, ✸ДɓɗǾʋ♫Дxoɳeҡ.Ȝ✸, ✸ДɓɗǾʋ♫Дxoɳeҡ.Ȝ✸, ✸ДɓɗǾʋ♫Дxoɳeҡ.Ȝ✸, ✸ДɓɗǾʋ♫Дxoɳeҡ.Ȝ✸, ●ДɓɗǾʋ♫Дxoɳeҡ.Ȝ●, ●ДɓɗǾʋ♫Дxoɳeҡ.Ȝ●, ●ДɓɗǾʋ♫Дxoɳeҡ.Ȝ●, ●ДɓɗǾʋ♫Дxoɳeҡ.Ȝ●, ●ДɓɗǾʋ♫Дxoɳeҡ.Ȝ●, ●ДɓɗǾʋ♫Дxoɳeҡ.Ȝ●, Your name
MOD BG 07-04-20 13:35
maximus e bot
CONSOLE 6 mo (Unbanned)
Ban Details
Player maximus e bot
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:1120828017
Steam Community 76561200201921762
IP address BG
Invoked on 07-04-20 13:35
Banlength 6 mo (Unbanned)
Unban reason !!!
Unbanned by Admin *DANGER*
Expires on 12-31-20 12:35
Reason [SourceSleuth] Duplicate account
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 9 (search)
Blocked (0) never
MOD BG 06-21-20 15:03
Legendary [ Ü ]
Revo 1 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Legendary [ Ü ]
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:145935201
Steam Community 76561198252136130
IP address BG
Invoked on 06-21-20 15:03
Banlength 1 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 07-21-20 15:03
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin Revo
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD RU 06-20-20 15:17
zick1313 Permanent
Ban Details
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:29888654
Steam Community 76561198020043037
IP address RU
Invoked on 06-20-20 15:17
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable.
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD RU 05-26-20 20:13
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player x_x?xXx$shaxi4ik$xXx?x_x
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:496435021
Steam Community 76561198953135770
IP address RU
Invoked on 05-26-20 20:13
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 06-26-20 06:13
Reason SMAC Aimbot Detected
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (4) x_x?xXx$shaxi4ik$xXx?x_x, n0l1k, n0l1k, op04ki
MOD FI 05-21-20 17:23
Admin deleted 1 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Pena
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:456135745
Steam Community 76561198872537218
IP address FI
Invoked on 05-21-20 17:23
Banlength 1 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 06-20-20 17:23
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin Admin deleted.
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD TR 05-02-20 03:20
Admin deleted 3 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player ék.
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:108222159
Steam Community 76561198176710046
IP address TR
Invoked on 05-02-20 03:20
Banlength 3 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 07-31-20 03:20
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin Admin deleted.
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (2) ék., ék.
MOD AL 05-02-20 00:07
Admin deleted 1 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player ParanoID
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:543313283
Steam Community 76561199046892294
IP address AL
Invoked on 05-02-20 00:07
Banlength 1 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 06-01-20 00:07
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin Admin deleted.
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (4) ParanoID, ParanoID, ParanoID, uPs!
MOD AL 04-29-20 19:17
zick1313 Permanent
Ban Details
Player KinnGu
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:1763008603
Steam Community 76561201486282934
IP address AL
Invoked on 04-29-20 19:17
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable.
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (6) KinnGu, KinnGu, KinnGu, KinnGu., KinnGu., BlackKinG.
MOD UA 04-23-20 21:56
Admin deleted 1 wk (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Jon_kiLL
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:476384490
Steam Community 76561198913034708
IP address UA
Invoked on 04-23-20 21:56
Banlength 1 wk (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 04-30-20 21:56
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin Admin deleted.
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD BG 04-09-20 21:25
Admin deleted 1 wk (Expired)
Ban Details
Player smallpox
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:1350555059
Steam Community 76561200661375846
IP address BG
Invoked on 04-09-20 21:25
Banlength 1 wk (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 04-16-20 21:25
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin Admin deleted.
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 2 (search)
Blocked (1) (1)Your name
MOD PL 03-31-20 20:05
maximus Permanent
Ban Details
Player B0ruK
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:29966675
Steam Community 76561198020199078
IP address PL
Invoked on 03-31-20 20:05
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable.
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin maximus
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (1) B0ruK
MOD UA 03-22-20 18:11
user pc
Admin deleted Permanent
Ban Details
Player user pc
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:1691749058
Steam Community 76561201343763844
IP address UA
Invoked on 03-22-20 18:11
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable.
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin Admin deleted.
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (1) user pc
MOD EG 03-22-20 14:50
zick1313 6 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Mahmoud*__^
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:1596949014
Steam Community 76561201154163756
IP address EG
Invoked on 03-22-20 14:50
Banlength 6 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 09-18-20 15:50
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (4) Mahmoud*__^, Mahmoud*__^, Mahmoud*__^, Mahmoud*__^
MOD BG 03-19-20 18:56
zick1313 1 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player FBI
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:1621887293
Steam Community 76561201204040314
IP address BG
Invoked on 03-19-20 18:56
Banlength 1 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 04-18-20 19:56
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (4) FBI, FBI, FBI, FBI
MOD BG 03-17-20 18:02
Admin deleted 3 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player SLADkO
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:1698981332
Steam Community 76561201358228392
IP address BG
Invoked on 03-17-20 18:02
Banlength 3 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 06-15-20 19:02
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin Admin deleted.
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (8) old master, IaM_LegeNd, IaM_LegeNd, IaM_LegeNd, IaM_LegeNd, mk6 power, mk6 power, [Dead_Zone]martveca
MOD DZ 02-24-20 20:12
(1)Your name
Admin deleted 3 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player (1)Your name
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:1750522199
Steam Community 76561201461310126
IP address DZ
Invoked on 02-24-20 20:12
Banlength 3 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 05-24-20 21:12
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin Admin deleted.
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (7) (1)Your name, Your name, Your name, Your name, Your name, Your name, (1)Your name
MOD Unknown Country 02-16-20 15:51
KreMenA 2 wk (Expired)
Ban Details
Player MartinBG
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:2129917216
Steam Community 76561202220100160
IP address no IP address present
Invoked on 02-16-20 15:51
Banlength 2 wk (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 03-01-20 15:51
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin KreMenA
Banned from Web Ban
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD DZ 02-07-20 17:33
Admin deleted 3 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Ilyes
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:5529037
Steam Community 76561197971323803
IP address DZ
Invoked on 02-07-20 17:33
Banlength 3 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 05-07-20 18:33
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin Admin deleted.
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (1) Ilyes
MOD BG 02-03-20 17:45
zick1313 Permanent (Unbanned)
Ban Details
Player Br0k3nB0n3Z
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:1217506920
Steam Community 76561200395279568
IP address BG
Invoked on 02-03-20 17:45
Banlength Permanent (Unbanned)
Unban reason под внимание
Unbanned by Admin zick1313
Expires on Not applicable.
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 2 (search)
Blocked (40) Br0k3nB0n3Z, Br0k3nB0n3Z, Br0k3nB0n3Z, Br0k3nB0n3Z, Br0k3nB0n3Z, DD, DD, DD, DD, Br0k3nB0n3Z, SlowMotion, SlowMotion, SlowMotion, SlowMotion, SlowMotion, SlowMotion, SlowMotion, bahur, bahur, bahur, bahur, bahur, bahur, bahur, bahur, bahur, bahur, bahur, bahur, bahur, bahur, bahur, bahur, bahur, bahur, bahur, bahur, bahur, bahur, bahur
MOD RU 01-31-20 16:43
KreMenA 1 wk (Expired)
Ban Details
Player DidUKnowMe?
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:68402209
Steam Community 76561198097070147
IP address RU
Invoked on 01-31-20 16:43
Banlength 1 wk (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 02-07-20 16:43
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin KreMenA
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD RU 01-31-20 16:27
NA VI S1mple
KreMenA 1 wk (Expired)
Ban Details
Player NA VI S1mple
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:1772745841
Steam Community 76561201505757410
IP address RU
Invoked on 01-31-20 16:27
Banlength 1 wk (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 02-07-20 16:27
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin KreMenA
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD BG 01-22-20 16:30
gotin si
zick1313 6 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player gotin si
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:769326174
IP address BG
Invoked on 01-22-20 16:30
Banlength 6 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 07-20-20 17:30
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Web Ban
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD UA 01-10-20 16:09
maximus Permanent
Ban Details
Player 1234567-0
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:1709613985
Steam Community 76561201379493698
IP address UA
Invoked on 01-10-20 16:09
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable.
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin maximus
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD RU 01-08-20 18:01
Узбечный Пельмеш
Admin deleted 6 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Узбечный Пельмеш
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:1251969497
Steam Community 76561200464204722
IP address RU
Invoked on 01-08-20 18:01
Banlength 6 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 07-06-20 19:01
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin Admin deleted.
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD RU 01-07-20 21:11
zick1313 6 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player A.S.A.D.A.F
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:626060162
Steam Community 76561199212386052
IP address RU
Invoked on 01-07-20 21:11
Banlength 6 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 07-05-20 22:11
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Web Ban
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (3) unnamed, unnamed, A.S.A.D.A.F
MOD Unknown Country 01-05-20 07:58
zick1313 Permanent
Ban Details
Player css-vip|Player
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:703623705
Steam Community 76561199367513138
IP address no IP address present
Invoked on 01-05-20 07:58
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable.
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Web Ban
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD RU 01-04-20 15:33
KreMenA 1 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Sovoqpnosty
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:1342564883
Steam Community 76561200645395494
IP address RU
Invoked on 01-04-20 15:33
Banlength 1 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 02-03-20 15:33
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin KreMenA
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (1) unnamed
MOD RU 11-15-19 20:26
Your name
zick1313 Permanent
Ban Details
Player Your name
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:261795175
Steam Community 76561198483856078
IP address RU
Invoked on 11-15-19 20:26
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable.
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD RU 11-10-19 18:46
css-vip|Player 2020
zick1313 Permanent
Ban Details
Player css-vip|Player 2020
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:223123591
Steam Community 76561198406512910
IP address RU
Invoked on 11-10-19 18:46
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable.
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (1) css-vip|Player 2020
MOD RU 11-09-19 19:29
zick1313 Permanent
Ban Details
Player =KickFlip=SK1LL
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:718329956
Steam Community 76561199396925640
IP address RU
Invoked on 11-09-19 19:29
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable.
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD RO 11-04-19 17:52
zick1313 Permanent
Ban Details
Player Kryzen
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:1189404171
Steam Community 76561200339074070
IP address RO
Invoked on 11-04-19 17:52
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable.
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 3 (search)
Blocked (0) never
MOD Unknown Country 11-04-19 17:48
zick1313 Permanent
Ban Details
Player key
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:1189404171
Steam Community 76561200339074070
IP address no IP address present
Invoked on 11-04-19 17:48
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable.
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Web Ban
Total Bans 3 (search)
Blocked (0) never
MOD Unknown Country 11-04-19 17:43
zick1313 Permanent (Unbanned)
Ban Details
Player ryzen
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:1189404171
Steam Community 76561200339074070
IP address no IP address present
Invoked on 11-04-19 17:43
Banlength Permanent (Unbanned)
Unban reason gg
Unbanned by Admin zick1313
Expires on Not applicable.
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Web Ban
Total Bans 3 (search)
Blocked (0) never
MOD BY 11-01-19 19:41
maximus Permanent
Ban Details
Player XYJl[i]GaN4Eg
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:112978093
Steam Community 76561198186221914
IP address BY
Invoked on 11-01-19 19:41
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable.
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin maximus
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 2 (search)
Blocked (0) never
MOD BY 11-01-19 19:38
zick1313 2 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player gan4ek
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:112978093
Steam Community 76561198186221914
IP address BY
Invoked on 11-01-19 19:38
Banlength 2 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 12-31-19 19:38
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Web Ban
Total Bans 2 (search)
Blocked (2) XYJl[i]GaN4Eg, XYJl[i]GaN4Eg
MOD Unknown Country 11-01-19 18:29
zick1313 2 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player killer
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:1034519331
Steam Community 76561200029304390
IP address no IP address present
Invoked on 11-01-19 18:29
Banlength 2 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 12-31-19 18:29
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Web Ban
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD RU 10-29-19 20:04
zick1313 Permanent
Ban Details
Player S PA R K Y
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:1770371216
Steam Community 76561201501008160
IP address RU
Invoked on 10-29-19 20:04
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable.
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
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