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Hide inactive | Total Bans: 2765
MOD/Country Date Player Admin Length
MOD BG 09-30-23 23:12
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Nemo
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:1361270052
Steam Community 76561200682805832
IP address BG
Invoked on 09-30-23 23:12
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 10-31-23 08:12
Reason SMAC Eye Test Violation
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD BG 09-29-23 21:23
I miss her❤
Б@тко 1 wk (Expired)
Ban Details
Player I miss her❤
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:490475922
Steam Community 76561198941217572
IP address BG
Invoked on 09-29-23 21:23
Banlength 1 wk (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 10-06-23 21:23
Reason Inappropriate Language
Banned by Admin Б@тко
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD BG 09-27-23 22:32
Б@тко 1 wk (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Fiki
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:58992292
Steam Community 76561198078250312
IP address BG
Invoked on 09-27-23 22:32
Banlength 1 wk (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 10-04-23 22:32
Reason Inappropriate Language
Banned by Admin Б@тко
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 2 (search)
Blocked (0) never
MOD zz 09-26-23 19:28
Sl@v40 12 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Maga140pro
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:764889245
Steam Community 76561199490044219
IP address zz
Invoked on 09-26-23 19:28
Banlength 12 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 09-20-24 19:28
Reason Multi-Hack
Banned by Admin Sl@v40
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (1) Maga140pro
MOD zz 09-26-23 13:46
Revo Permanent
Ban Details
Player TrashTeammateツ
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:113900948
Steam Community 76561198188067625
IP address zz
Invoked on 09-26-23 13:46
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable.
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin Revo
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (2) TrashTeammateツ, TrashTeammateツ
MOD TR 09-25-23 21:12
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player görkem1g
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:771066644
Steam Community 76561199502399017
IP address TR
Invoked on 09-25-23 21:12
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 10-26-23 07:12
Reason SMAC Eye Test Violation
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (2) görkem1g, görkem1g
MOD HR 09-25-23 13:59
Sl@v40 10 min (Expired)
Ban Details
Player isus
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:718268563
Steam Community 76561199396802854
IP address HR
Invoked on 09-25-23 13:59
Banlength 10 min (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 09-25-23 14:09
Reason Ignoring Admins
Banned by Admin Sl@v40
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD RU 09-24-23 19:52
zick1313 12 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Nemo
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:556794596
Steam Community 76561199073854920
IP address RU
Invoked on 09-24-23 19:52
Banlength 12 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 09-18-24 19:52
Reason script,bunny, norecoil, wallhack
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Web Ban
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (23) Nemo, Nemo, Nemo, Nemo, Nemo, Nemo, Nemo, Nemo, Nemo, Nemo, ÑĒMØ, ÑĒMØ, ÑĒMØ, Nemo, Nemo, Nemo, Nemo, Nemo, Nemo, Nemo, Nemo, KorroCat, Nemo
MOD UA 09-23-23 16:15
Floon4k ✟
zick1313 30 min (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Floon4k ✟
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:657505876
Steam Community 76561199275277480
IP address UA
Invoked on 09-23-23 16:15
Banlength 30 min (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 09-23-23 16:45
Reason General Exploit of Game/Map/Server
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD TR 09-22-23 18:14
zick1313 10 min (Expired)
Ban Details
Player shigetora
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:191355075
Steam Community 76561198342975878
IP address TR
Invoked on 09-22-23 18:14
Banlength 10 min (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 09-22-23 18:24
Reason Ignoring Admins
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD RS 09-21-23 21:58
vallhalla40 3 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player ЖујА
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:31389713
Steam Community 76561198023045155
IP address RS
Invoked on 09-21-23 21:58
Banlength 3 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 12-20-23 20:58
Reason Anti Recoil
Banned by Admin vallhalla40
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD UA 09-21-23 21:44
zick1313 30 min (Expired)
Ban Details
Player renegate
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:54258703
Steam Community 76561198068783135
IP address UA
Invoked on 09-21-23 21:44
Banlength 30 min (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 09-21-23 22:14
Reason General Exploit of Game/Map/Server
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD UA 09-21-23 21:15
zick1313 Permanent
Ban Details
Player yura2575
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:639915652
Steam Community 76561199240097033
IP address UA
Invoked on 09-21-23 21:15
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable.
Reason General Exploit of Game/Map/Server
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (2) [РКД] yura2575, [РКД]Space_Ruster
MOD RU 09-20-23 22:29
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:1620584802
Steam Community 76561201201435332
IP address RU
Invoked on 09-20-23 22:29
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 10-21-23 08:29
Reason SMAC Eye Test Violation
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
MOD BG 09-20-23 21:43
[●◡⬤] Death Keeper ™
zick1313 3 d (Expired)
Ban Details
Player [●◡⬤] Death Keeper ™
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:41173513
Steam Community 76561198042612754
IP address BG
Invoked on 09-20-23 21:43
Banlength 3 d (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 09-23-23 21:43
Reason Ignoring Admins
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 8 (search)
Blocked (0) never
MOD AL 09-20-23 20:42
zick1313 Permanent
Ban Details
Player gonitoo
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:570105157
Steam Community 76561199100476042
IP address AL
Invoked on 09-20-23 20:42
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable.
Reason Anti Recoil
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD RO 09-20-23 20:20
vallhalla40 1 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player chris/λ/
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:155475925
Steam Community 76561198271217579
IP address RO
Invoked on 09-20-23 20:20
Banlength 1 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 10-20-23 20:20
Reason Anti Recoil
Banned by Admin vallhalla40
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 2 (search)
Blocked (1) chris/λ/
MOD AM 09-20-23 18:49
zick1313 1 wk (Expired)
Ban Details
Player santannyyy
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:576676679
Steam Community 76561199113619086
IP address AM
Invoked on 09-20-23 18:49
Banlength 1 wk (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 09-27-23 18:49
Reason General Exploit of Game/Map/Server
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (1) santannyyy
MOD RO 09-16-23 20:23
vallhalla40 1 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player chris/λ/
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:155475925
Steam Community 76561198271217579
IP address RO
Invoked on 09-16-23 20:23
Banlength 1 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 09-16-23 21:23
Reason Anti Recoil
Banned by Admin vallhalla40
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 2 (search)
Blocked (0) never
MOD TR 09-16-23 19:50
Revo 1 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Puli
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:502416168
Steam Community 76561198965098065
IP address TR
Invoked on 09-16-23 19:50
Banlength 1 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 10-16-23 19:50
Reason Bunny hop!
Banned by Admin Revo
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD RO 09-16-23 19:50
Revo 1 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Woozie
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:220848975
Steam Community 76561198401963679
IP address RO
Invoked on 09-16-23 19:50
Banlength 1 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 10-16-23 19:50
Reason bunny hop!
Banned by Admin Revo
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD US 09-14-23 22:05
Б@тко 3 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player zafukisdis
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:181602808
Steam Community 76561198323471345
IP address US
Invoked on 09-14-23 22:05
Banlength 3 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 12-13-23 21:05
Reason Inappropriate Language
Banned by Admin Б@тко
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD GE 09-13-23 20:02
zick1313 3 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Big_Mamas
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:565597627
Steam Community 76561199091460983
IP address GE
Invoked on 09-13-23 20:02
Banlength 3 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 12-12-23 19:02
Reason bunny script
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD PL 09-11-23 22:36
Revo 1 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player mei
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:134128316
Steam Community 76561198228522360
IP address PL
Invoked on 09-11-23 22:36
Banlength 1 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 10-11-23 22:36
Reason Бъни хоп, но 100% процента е и no recoil. Тръгнах да го записвам, но отново бъни хопна и не издържах, а го предупредих няколко пъти!
Banned by Admin Revo
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD BG 09-09-23 20:45
zick1313 3 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Smiley
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:62850688
Steam Community 76561198085967104
IP address BG
Invoked on 09-09-23 20:45
Banlength 3 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 12-08-23 19:45
Reason no recoil
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 3 (search)
Blocked (2) Smiley, Smiley
MOD FR 09-06-23 18:16
zick1313 3 wk (Expired)
Ban Details
Player 0xQBot
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:130614308
Steam Community 76561198221494344
IP address FR
Invoked on 09-06-23 18:16
Banlength 3 wk (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 09-27-23 18:16
Reason Inappropriate Language
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Web Ban
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (2) 0xQBot, 0xQBot
MOD BG 09-04-23 19:38
Б@тко 12 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player s3RTY
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:582635687
Steam Community 76561199125537102
IP address BG
Invoked on 09-04-23 19:38
Banlength 12 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 08-29-24 19:38
Reason Wallhack
Banned by Admin Б@тко
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (2) s3RTY, -s3rty
MOD DE 09-03-23 19:18
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player götos
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:763167980
Steam Community 76561199486601688
IP address DE
Invoked on 09-03-23 19:18
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 10-04-23 05:18
Reason SMAC Eye Test Violation
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 2 (search)
Blocked (1) |†Ρoϊ$on DàggΞ® №
MOD IL 09-02-23 19:18
Б@тко 12 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player 阴茎
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:752747162
Steam Community 76561199465760053
IP address IL
Invoked on 09-02-23 19:18
Banlength 12 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 08-27-24 19:18
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin Б@тко
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (1) 阴茎
MOD BG 08-28-23 18:44
zick1313 1 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player |Satirka|
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:630089419
Steam Community 76561199220444566
IP address BG
Invoked on 08-28-23 18:44
Banlength 1 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 08-28-23 19:44
Reason General Exploit of Game/Map/Server
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (1) |Satirka|
MOD AZ 08-26-23 05:19
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player balanced?
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:686957694
Steam Community 76561199334181116
IP address AZ
Invoked on 08-26-23 05:19
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 09-25-23 15:19
Reason SMAC AutoTrigger Detection: BunnyHop
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD RO 08-17-23 21:12
zick1313 10 min (Expired)
Ban Details
Player ★fNZ
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:177514412
Steam Community 76561198315294552
IP address RO
Invoked on 08-17-23 21:12
Banlength 10 min (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 08-17-23 21:22
Reason Ignoring Admins
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD BG 08-17-23 19:43
zick1313 6 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player NHilLum
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:1313726288
Steam Community 76561200587718304
IP address BG
Invoked on 08-17-23 19:43
Banlength 6 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 02-13-24 18:43
Reason Wallhack
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 2 (search)
Blocked (5) [HD] caeSAR., HSBG. NykoN, Valar Morghulis, Mrazz*, Mrazz*
MOD RO 08-17-23 17:44
Reanu Keeves
zick1313 1 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Reanu Keeves
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:457149739
Steam Community 76561198874565206
IP address RO
Invoked on 08-17-23 17:44
Banlength 1 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 09-16-23 17:44
Reason script, bunny , nortecoil
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 2 (search)
Blocked (2) Reanu Keeves, Reanu Keeves
MOD BG 08-17-23 17:14
zick1313 30 min (Expired)
Ban Details
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:2129317381
Steam Community 76561202218900490
IP address BG
Invoked on 08-17-23 17:14
Banlength 30 min (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 08-17-23 17:44
Reason Inappropriate Language
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (5) ne mojesh, ne mojesh, ne mojesh, Player, ne mojesh
MOD RU 08-15-23 21:29
vallhalla40 3 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Bozaka
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:146442615
Steam Community 76561198253150958
IP address RU
Invoked on 08-15-23 21:29
Banlength 3 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 11-13-23 20:29
Reason Wallhack
Banned by Admin vallhalla40
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD UA 08-15-23 20:49
zick1313 Permanent
Ban Details
Player Dryg
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:788544666
Steam Community 76561199537355060
IP address UA
Invoked on 08-15-23 20:49
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable.
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin zick1313
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (5) Dryg, Dryg, Dryg, Dryg, Dryg
MOD UA 08-11-23 20:05
Sl@v40 6 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player ReduoL
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:720996600
Steam Community 76561199402258928
IP address UA
Invoked on 08-11-23 20:05
Banlength 6 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 02-07-24 19:05
Reason Multi-Hack
Banned by Admin Sl@v40
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD RS 08-09-23 21:44
Б@тко 1 wk (Expired)
Ban Details
Player PitchWayz
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:507734572
Steam Community 76561198975734873
IP address RS
Invoked on 08-09-23 21:44
Banlength 1 wk (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 08-16-23 21:44
Reason Ignoring Admins
Banned by Admin Б@тко
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD ZZ 08-07-23 22:08
vallhalla40 10 min (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Albert
Steam ID BOT
Steam Community 76561197960265728
IP address ZZ
Invoked on 08-07-23 22:08
Banlength 10 min (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 08-07-23 22:18
Reason Anti Recoil
Banned by Admin vallhalla40
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 10 (search)
Blocked (0) never
MOD RU 08-07-23 21:33
Б@тко 12 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player artilkroysel
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:649091377
Steam Community 76561199258448483
IP address RU
Invoked on 08-07-23 21:33
Banlength 12 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 08-01-24 21:33
Reason Wallhack
Banned by Admin Б@тко
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD TR 08-06-23 18:09
Revo 1 mo (Expired)
Ban Details
Player çilekeşşş
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:739125566
Steam Community 76561199438516860
IP address TR
Invoked on 08-06-23 18:09
Banlength 1 mo (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 09-05-23 18:09
Reason Wallhack
Banned by Admin Revo
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD FR 08-06-23 17:32
Sl@v40 4 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Chloe
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:758925223
Steam Community 76561199478116174
IP address FR
Invoked on 08-06-23 17:32
Banlength 4 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 08-06-23 21:32
Reason Inappropriate Language
Banned by Admin Sl@v40
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 2 (search)
Blocked (0) never
MOD RU 08-04-23 22:22
Revo 1 wk (Expired)
Ban Details
Player -zawarkaa.exe
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:1595156112
Steam Community 76561201150577952
IP address RU
Invoked on 08-04-23 22:22
Banlength 1 wk (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 08-11-23 22:22
Reason General Exploit of Game/Map/Server
Banned by Admin Revo
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
MOD RU 08-03-23 18:46
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Pirog
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:115716468
Steam Community 76561198191698665
IP address RU
Invoked on 08-03-23 18:46
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 09-03-23 04:46
Reason SMAC Eye Test Violation
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (2) Pirog, Pirog
MOD BG 07-30-23 19:43
Revo 1 wk (Expired)
Ban Details
Player reeeeeeeee
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:90974006
Steam Community 76561198142213740
IP address BG
Invoked on 07-30-23 19:43
Banlength 1 wk (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 08-06-23 19:43
Reason Anti Recoil
Banned by Admin Revo
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (3) reeeeeeeee, reeeeeeeee, reeeeeeeee
MOD RO 07-28-23 22:40
CONSOLE 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player lorpez
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:492903735
Steam Community 76561198946073198
IP address RO
Invoked on 07-28-23 22:40
Banlength 1 mo, 10 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 08-28-23 08:40
Reason SMAC Eye Test Violation
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (2) lorpez, lorpez
MOD RO 07-23-23 17:51
Revo Permanent
Ban Details
Player Darkness
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:453082073
Steam Community 76561198866429875
IP address RO
Invoked on 07-23-23 17:51
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable.
Reason Aimbot
Banned by Admin Revo
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (2) Stand Our Ground, Stand Our Ground
MOD ZZ 07-23-23 14:55
Б@тко 10 min (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Dan
Steam ID BOT
Steam Community 76561197960265728
IP address ZZ
Invoked on 07-23-23 14:55
Banlength 10 min (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 07-23-23 15:05
Reason Team Flashing
Banned by Admin Б@тко
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 10 (search)
Blocked (0) never
MOD RS 07-20-23 20:55
Niko nidje
Б@тко 1 wk (Expired)
Ban Details
Player Niko nidje
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:606313073
Steam Community 76561199172891874
IP address RS
Invoked on 07-20-23 20:55
Banlength 1 wk (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 07-27-23 20:55
Reason Inappropriate Language
Banned by Admin Б@тко
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans No previous bans
Blocked (0) never
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